CDWA are holding monthly meetings at the above address on the third Wednesday of every month. Please join us.
Please join us for our annual general meeting being held at the Sandman Inn on Feb 15, 2023 at 7 pm.
President, Website Designer/Admin
Vice President
IPSC Director
Match Director
Director at Large
Director at Large
Director at Large
Indoor Range Director
Range Maintenance
Range Maintenance
.22 Rimfire rifle (must have a chamber flag). Any sights. Optics recommended but not mandatory.
You are welcome to join WKM at the Casino Range. This is a mini-Match starting at 10am on Saturday January 18th. It is both a a centrefire match and a rimfire match. They have rimfire targets for 22LR (17HMR and 22Mag will shoot at centrefire gongs).
.22 Rimfire rifle (must have a chamber flag). Any sights. Optics recommended but not mandatory.
You are welcome to join WKM at the Casino Range. This is a mini-Match starting at 10am on Saturday January 18th. It is both a a centrefire match and a rimfire match. They have rimfire targets for 22LR (17HMR and 22Mag will shoot at centrefire gongs).
The CPC range will be closed for the entire day. The RCMP will using the range. Please book accordingly.
Come out and join us on Tuesday nights in July and October for IPSC practice. In a small group setting we work together to improve our skills and support each other with feedback. We start setting up at 5 PM. No club gun will be available to borrow on the evening practices. Please bring your own firearm and ammunition.
Come out and join us on Tuesday nights in July and October for IPSC practice. In a small group setting we work together to improve our skills and support each other with feedback. We start setting up at 5 PM. No club gun will be available to borrow on the evening practices. Please bring your own firearm and ammunition.
Come out and join us on Tuesday nights in July and October for IPSC practice. In a small group setting we work together to improve our skills and support each other with feedback. We start setting up at 5 PM. No club gun will be available to borrow on the evening practices. Please bring your own firearm and ammunition.
Come out and join us on Tuesday nights in July and October for IPSC practice. In a small group setting we work together to improve our skills and support each other with feedback. We start setting up at 5 PM. No club gun will be available to borrow on the evening practices. Please bring your own firearm and ammunition.
ANY SAFE CENTREFIRE PISTOL OR PISTOL CARBINE WITH SAFE AMMO. A holster and 4 magazine pouches are required as well as 4 to 5 magazines. Don't have a pistol or enough magazines? WKM has a loaner with 6 magazines. A chamber flag is required if using a pistol carbine.
This course is open to all WKM and CPC members. We have one local instructor. We are limited to three students. If you take the course it will allow you to compete in our Kootenay Region Sanctioned IPSC Match June 8-9, 2024.
ANY SAFE CENTREFIRE PISTOL OR PISTOL CARBINE WITH SAFE AMMO. A holster and 4 magazine pouches are required as well as 4 to 5 magazines. Don't have a pistol or enough magazines? WKM has a loaner with 6 magazines. A chamber flag is required if using a pistol carbine.
ANY SAFE CENTREFIRE PISTOL OR PISTOL CARBINE WITH SAFE AMMO. A holster and 4 magazine pouches are required as well as 4 to 5 magazines. Don't have a pistol or enough magazines? WKM has a loaner with 6 magazines. A chamber flag is required if using a pistol carbine.
ANY SAFE CENTREFIRE PISTOL OR PISTOL CARBINE WITH SAFE AMMO. A holster and 4 magazine pouches are required as well as 4 to 5 magazines. Don't have a pistol or enough magazines? WKM has a loaner with 6 magazines. A chamber flag is required if using a pistol carbine.
This is an event sponsored by Nelson Rod & Gun Club. Please see links below. https:/ or
ANY SAFE CENTREFIRE PISTOL OR PISTOL CARBINE WITH SAFE AMMO. A holster and 4 magazine pouches are required as well as 4 to 5 magazines. Don't have a pistol or enough magazines? WKM has a loaner with 6 magazines. A chamber flag is required if using a pistol carbine.
ANY SAFE CENTREFIRE PISTOL OR PISTOL CARBINE WITH SAFE AMMO. A holster and 4 magazine pouches are required as well as 4 to 5 magazines. Don't have a pistol or enough magazines? WKM has a loaner with 6 magazines. A chamber flag is required if using a pistol carbine.
ANY SAFE CENTREFIRE PISTOL OR PISTOL CARBINE WITH SAFE AMMO. A holster and 4 magazine pouches are required as well as 4 to 5 magazines. Don't have a pistol or enough magazines? WKM has a loaner with 6 magazines. A chamber flag is required if using a pistol carbine.
This event is hosted by TWA, CDWA, WKM and CPC. Location: Casino Pistol Range Time: 10-4 Age: 11+ This is a free event to stop in and try various disciplines in the shooting sports Safety for ears and eyes supplied Cold drinks and food are available
Details to follow
ANY SAFE CENTREFIRE PISTOL OR PISTOL CARBINE WITH SAFE AMMO. A holster and 4 magazine pouches are required as well as 4 to 5 magazines. Don't have a pistol or enough magazines? WKM has a loaner with 6 magazines. A chamber flag is required if using a pistol carbine.
Any safe magazine fed firearm. Any pistol or rimfire calibre. 100 rounds of safe ammo.
West Kootenay Archers presents a 2 Day Spring Archery Shoot at the Casino Range in Trail on April 29th and 30th 2023.
22LR Match run by WKM at the Casino Range. See below for more details.
ANY SAFE CENTREFIRE PISTOL OR PISTOL CARBINE WITH SAFE AMMO. A holster and 4 magazine pouches are required as well as 4 to 5 magazines. Don't have a pistol or enough magazines? WKM has a loaner with 6 magazines. A chamber flag is required if using a pistol carbine.
ANY SAFE CENTREFIRE PISTOL OR PISTOL CARBINE WITH SAFE AMMO. A holster and 4 magazine pouches are required as well as 4 to 5 magazines. Don't have a pistol or enough magazines? WKM has a loaner with 6 magazines. A chamber flag is required if using a pistol carbine.
$150 individual or $200 for both. Payments secure your spot. Email for more information.
Pizza provided.
This is a relaxing, fun match featuring targets with Valentine theme. 22lr only. $20 entry or $15 if you provide your own. Hot dog lunch and gift bags for all. $50 value gift for winner based on a game played not on being the best. Approx. 3 hours long.
Please join CPC in our annual Turkey Shoot at the CPC range in December. See details below.
CPC presents it's annual Pumpkin Carving Shoot. See details below.
WKLSG presents Kootenay Pride Event hosted at the Castlegar Pistol Club. This is a fun shooting event for any Pride members and allies. We will be shooting 22lr. Club rifles available or bring your own safe 22lr and 100 rounds. Snacks and prizes will be given out. Cost of entry is $10. Please feel free to wear something special so long as it is safe (close toed shoes, etc.). Please bring your own safety equipment (eye and ear protection). WKLSG can provide some for those if don't have any. Contact Amber Berukoff for more information: or 778-460-0719.
NOTE: Pre-registration Mandatory for this clinic. Participants limited to 10. INFORMATION: A Kootenay Clinic on Rimfire Precision fundamentals. Learn the Fundamentals of accuracy at a distance!
This is a semi private event. RANGE CLOSED FROM 3 PM UNTIL SUNDOWN. Tickets for my Girls, Gowns, & Crowns Event will be for sale March 21st. This event is NOT a WKLSG event but my own personal event and tickets are limited. Tickets will be for sale at my store CANTAC FIREARMS. Must be bought in person. This is a BLACK TIE shooting event. gowns, crowns, or ties are mandatory. Men are welcome. All safety and equipment provided. Dinner, fire & fireworks to follow. Let's all be queens for a day. This event is 19+. $50 per ticket.
This event is free and in person. Zoom access is available. There will be no door prizes or food provided. Dress casual. THE EVENT IS BY ZOOM ONLY DUE TO WEATHER CONDITIONS. PLEASE SEE LINK BELOW. Amber Berukoff is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Castlegar Pistol Club AGM Time: Jun 13, 2022 07:00 PM Vancouver Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 860 5866 3457 Passcode: 024716 One tap mobile +19292056099,,86058663457#,,,,*024716# US (New York) +12532158782,,86058663457#,,,,*024716# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 860 5866 3457 Passcode: 024716 Find your local number: Amber Berukoff Can-Tac Firearms Cantac Machining Ltd. P: 1-778-460-0719 C: 1-250-921-5834 F: 1-778-460-0720
To celebrate National Range Day, WKM is hosting a Bring a Beginner Shoot on June 4th from 10 am-4pm (with set up at 8 am) which includes teams of two (one experienced and one beginner) and targets of steel, paper, and clay at 25-100 yards. Please bring a .22 LR only with 100 rounds of rounds per team (200 if there is enough time). No club firearms will be provided but others could lend. No team? No problem! Come along and we'll find you a teammate. "Kids shoot" (8-12, younger with approval from Match Director) will include 10 targets, 3 attempts with the best score counting. Eye and ear protection is mandatory, bring for yourself, teammate, and kids. Pizza lunch is included. Bring a plate for lunch. Bring refreshments for the day. Bring your own chairs. Experienced shooters in the team MUST have a PAL. If new to the sport and only just starting, come as a beginner, and we'll try to pair you up. After set up there will be time to practice before the shoot starts. There will be prizes and a 50/50. The cost is $25 a team and $10 for the "Kids Shoot." If you have any questions or would like to pre-register, contact Dean Hooper, Assistant Match Director at 250-512-7892.
Canadian Firearms Safety Course offered June 4th and 5th from 8 am - 8 pm both days at the Trail Wildlife Clubhouse. There are 12 seats available. Payment is required to hold your seat. Longer days allow for individual practical tests. It does not mean you will leave at 8 pm but bring a lunch and extra snacks in case. The payment is non-refundable if you cancel in less than 48 hours. If you are interested, contact Amber Berukoff at 778-460-0719 or at
Set up: 8 am. Match runs from 8 am - 1 pm. Fire arms: Any safe centrefire pistol or pistol carbine with safe ammo. A holster and four magazine pouches are required as well as four to five magazines. Don't have a pistol or enough magazines? WKM has a loaner with five magazines. A chamber flag is required if using a pistol carbine. Ammo: 150 rounds (128 minimum rounds for 4 stages). Targets: IPSC paper targets and steel popper plates. Course of fire: four stages will be set up with a maximum round count of 32 required for each stage. Beginners welcome: The IPSC Black Badge course is not required. These matches allow beginners to experience IPSC style shooting with IPSC rules being applied in a safety oriented educational format. You can still participate if you don't have everything and a wish to experience IPSC style shooting before making the decision to buy more range gear. Cost: $5.00 a shooter. No lunch or prizes are offered at this match. Contact Amber B at or or Mark A at or Bill W at or 250-368-1829.
Masks and hand sanitizer are mandatory. Ammo Fee is $5. 100 rounds, any safe firearm, any caliber. More details below.
AmberLynn Berukoff will be teaching a three hour course for youth. Each youth has purchased a youth membership to the club and has signed a user agreement. Each youth is paired up as a guest with club members. There will be several helpers. Ammo and firearms will be provided. Safety is a priority. Safety glasses and ear protection is a must and warm clothing and footwear is highly recommended.
Christmas Turkey Shoot. Family Members Welcome. .22 Rifles only This is a fun shoot and there are prizes. Match fee is $15 (plus $10 ammo fee if you are borrowing club guns). Parking is at the bottom of the hill. To sign up contact Amber Berukoff ( or 778-460-0719) and let her know if you have a PAL and if you belong to a shooting club. Please commit to the shoot if you sign up. Masks and hand sanitizer are a must. Please bring hearing and eye protection if you have it. Closed toed boots and warm clothing is recommended.
Masks and hand sanitizer are mandatory. Ammo Fee is $5 or $30 if you are shooting club guns or someone else's (if you cannot afford it please let Amber know--it will remain private). Please let us know if you do not have a R-PAL/membership when you sign up. Please bring your hearing and eye protection if you have it. Footwear with closed toes are recommended. More details below.
Masks and hand sanitizer are mandatory. Ammo Fee is $5 or $30 if you are shooting club guns or someone else's (if you cannot afford it please let Amber know--it will remain private). Please let us know if you do not have a R-PAL/membership when you sign up. Please bring your hearing and eye protection if you have it. Footwear with closed toes are recommended. More details below.
Masks and hand sanitizer are mandatory. Ammo Fee is $5 or $30 if you are shooting club guns or someone else's (if you cannot afford it please let Amber know--it will remain private). Please let us know if you do not have a R-PAL/membership when you sign up. Please bring your hearing and eye protection if you have it. Footwear with closed toes are recommended. More details below.
Masks and hand sanitizer are mandatory. Ammo Fee is $5 or $30 if you are shooting club guns or someone else's (if you cannot afford it please let Amber know--it will remain private). Please let us know if you do not have a R-PAL/membership when you sign up. Please bring your hearing and eye protection if you have it. Footwear with closed toes are recommended. More details below.
Borrow Pit Rd, Central Kootenay J, Robson, B.C.
Kootenay Boundary B, Trail, B.C. V1R 4X3
#7000 Highway No 22, Trail, B.C. (866) 785-2246
163 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, B.C. V1N 1A6 (778) 460-0719
1281 Bay Ave, Trail, B. C. V1R 4A4, (250) 364-2242
2243 6th Ave, Castlegar, BC V1N 2W1 (250) 365-8288 Email: rodz@telus .net
465 Columbia Ave, Castlegar, BC V1N 1G8 (250) 365-3466 Email: